esmaspäev, 7. märts 2016

Joseph Carson'i külastus

Kirjutis on originaalis õp Katrini blogis. Kuna Rico oli nii tubli, siis pidin selle siia ka kopeerima :)

JOSEPH CARSON at Konguta School.

On Friday, 4 December Joseph Carson visited our school to talk about internet safety and future technology. Joseph Crason is from Northern Ireland. But for now he`s been living in Estonia for 12 years. He spoke in English, so only those who can speak English and understand English could listen to him. When he talked about future technology, we listened very carefully because about in 5 years people will have self-driving cars, robots and other stuff. From about computer safety we learned that if your password is simple like Strong, it takes only 40 minutes for hackers to get this password. But when your password is hard like $tR0nG, it takes about a year to get it. We also learned what not to do on the Internet, what is safe and what is not and other useful things.

Rico-Renar, year- 5 students
Photographed by Pille Granovski

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